Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Year Reflections

Hello 2014!

It has been interesting for me to look back on the life of this blog.  It was started in the fall of 2008 after a move to a new state as an empty nester and no friends. I had recently begun my interiors business in Washington, DC, after being part of a professional organization community. The prompt to blog came from the monthly news mag of the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO), which said if you didn't blog you should. I thought about it for a few months, had no clue how to get started and googled 'design bloggers'. Joni Webb, writer of Cote de Texas was the first I saw, I truly believe she was one of the 'design blog' pioneers. 

 From there I traveled down her blog roll and began reading. I don't consider myself a 'writer' but attention to detail in correct grammar and spelling is very important to me. I gradually made 'blog friends' and have met several in person.  There is something about like minds loving beautiful things and wanting to learn from each other.  Since my business was new and I don't have a formal design education (I took an online design program and got a certification), blogs became my school.  I have always decorated for friends and when I was organizing, decorating always came next.  There are seasons in our lives that prepare us for other seasons.  For example when I was a young woman I did the 'Color Me Beautiful' color draping, teaching people what colors look best on them for wardrobe and make-up. There I learned undertones of color, cool vs warm, etc. Who knew years later - after 20 years in the fitness industry - that season would be now in design.

Building a business in a new community and Atlanta of all places where there are design mega-stars is tough. It takes time - lots of time - years. But God is good and small projects have led to larger ones.

So...new year...new features!

Based on popularity 'Project Monday's'
 and 'Foodie Friday's' ...
...along with pretty tables are keepers.

 In our hurried life of technology and interstates, many times we don't take time to live life beautifully. I want to encourage us all in that so that our children will grow up with those special little details.

Here are my boys 20 years ago. Cloth napkins and flowers on their trays!
They grew up using cloth napkins at every meal! One of my high school girlfriends' recently reminded me of this image she had in her mind! Hmmm, I think some of those colors from the early '90's are coming back.

I love flowers and treat myself regularly!

I'm looking forward to a great 2014, how about you?


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