Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Please Hold, Experiencing Technical Difficulties

How is it that on one evening, one can shut down her computer and the next morning wake up to this?

Yup, computer crash, cannot do a thing about it except go directly to the Apple store and hand over one's life.

Here 'one' is sitting at Mr. MD's laptop which is sort of like playing guitar left handed (for this right hand girl). 

'One' tried loading software for the printer/scanner onto hubby's computer - not compatible.  Figures.

So now what?  
How did we run our lives before we had computers? I would say darned well.  BUT now everything in this household is virtually paperless, oy.

It's pouring down rain and the wind blowing sideways here.  Hope it's better where you are!
I hope my 'life' comes back soon!

Would you like to make your house a lovely home? Contact MD here.

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